Email Cleansing API

Capture Valid Email Addresses Online

Our email cleansing API works for lead generation, ecommerce, call-centres and more.

Avoid bad data on your databases by stopping it on entry.

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Ensure accuracy in your email data from the start to maximise response, efficiency and profitability. We have developed an email cleansing API solution which sits on your website and connects to your online forms. This instantaneously checks if the email address entered is valid or invalid and prompts a user to correct their email address if they try to submit a mis-typed, invalid email address.

Companies receive submissions online every month. You may find that up to 30% of these are erroneous, ill formed or mis-spelt.

Receiving invalid email data can lead to several issues, namely; problems with delivery and management, being thrown off ESPs for poor data quality, less responsive marketing campaigns and missed revenue.

The benefits of using the email cleansing API on your web forms:


Works on many Applications

The email cleansing API works for lead generation, ecommerce, call-centres and more.


Easy to Integrate

Full documentation is provided to help you add our API to your website forms.


Cost saving

Collecting only valid email data will avoid unnecessary costs for delivery and checking data.


Avoid bad data

Only valid email addresses will be accepted which avoids bad data entering your database.

Request Email Cleansing API Quotes

Request a quote for using the real-time email cleansing API on your website by using the ‘Talk to Us’ box.

Alternatively, you can email our team on or call us on 01723 800030.

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